Questionnare (#5) Do you want your name to be numerologically lucky also? Please choose a Criteria plan from below
I am looking for a good name for
- Select - I have a few names (max 5 only) in mind and want you to suggest which one suits the best out of this. I want you to suggest me the names (max 3) from which I may select.
Please select the Type of Business
- Select - Sales Shop Service Office
Please select Industry/Nature of Business
- Select - Electronics Food Coaching/E-Learning/Ed Tech IT/Back Office/Software/ Manufacturing Hotel/Hospitality/Restaurants NGO/Social Service Import/Export Real Estate/Construction Hospital/Clinic Pharmaceuticals/Medical Gems/Jewellery Furniture Others (If Others Please specify)
- Select - North South East West North West North East South West South East
Do you intend to rent or buy a place for this business?
- Select - Yes No
- Select - North South East West North West North East South West South East
Baby will take Surname (Father/Mother/Both)
Overall Happiness Healthy & Long Life Wealth & Prosperity Career & Competitive Success Love & Care
We want the name to be lucky for the Baby (L1) We want the name to be lucky for the Baby and the Family name (L2) We want the name to be lucky for the Baby and the Mother (L3) We want the name to be lucky for the Baby and the Father (L4) We want the name to be lucky for the Baby and both the Parents (L5)
We are fine with a decent name (3 Choices). (L1) We are fine with a decent name but need more choices (5 Choices). (L2) We want some uncommon name (L3) We want some unique name (L3)
Please select the level of Flexibility you can provide us
We strictly want Hindu/Indian names We are fine with ancient Vedic names We are fine with names from other international cultures We are fine with imaginary but meaningful names
Is the concerned person an independent individual or dependent on parents?
Overall Happiness Healthy & Long Life Wealth & Prosperity Career & Competitive Success Love & Care
We are fine with a decent name (3 Choices). (L1) We are fine with a decent name but need more choices (5 Choices). (L2) We want some uncommon name (L3) We want some unique name (L3)
We want the name to be lucky for the Person. (L1) We want the name to be lucky for the Person and the Family name (L2) We want the name to be lucky for the Baby and the Mother (L3)
Concerned Person will take Surname (Father/Mother/Both)
Overall Happiness Healthy & Long Life Wealth & Prosperity Career & Competitive Success Love & Care
We want the name to be lucky for the Person. (L1) We want the name to be lucky for the Person and the Family name (L2) We want the name to be lucky for the Person and the Mother (L3) We want the name to be lucky for the Person and the Father (L3) We want the name to be lucky for the Person and both the Parents (L4)
We are fine with a decent name (3 Choices). (L1) We are fine with a decent name but need more choices (5 Choices). (L2) We want some uncommon name (L3) We want some unique name (L3)
Please select the level of Flexibility you can provide us.
We strictly want Hindu/Indian names We want some ancient Vedic names. (L2) We are fine with names from other international cultures We are fine with imaginary but meaningful names.
We are fine with a decent name (3 Choices). (L1) We are fine with a decent name but need more choices (5 Choices). (L2) We want some uncommon name (L3) We want some unique name (L3)
Please select the level of Flexibility you can provide us.
We strictly want Hindu/Indian names We want some ancient Vedic names. (L2) We are fine with names from other international cultures We are fine with imaginary but meaningful names.
- Select - We strictly want you to select from the names we proposed We are fine if you tweak the names. (L2) xix) We want you to suggest a new name which has some wit or pun or makes it cool (L2) We want you to suggest a new name which has some wit or pun or makes it cool. (L3) We are fine with imaginary but meaningful names.